Our curriculum intent.
Agreed through work with all staff, Governors and members of the PTA.
What do we want for our children |
We would like them to be: | We would like them to: | We would like them to: | What we would like them to say as they leave: |
Confident Enthusiastic Proud Inquisitive Aspirational Accepting Resilient Collaborative Ambitious Determined Successful Happy Self critical Driven Independent Courageous Negotiators Healthy Kind Honest Caring Open minded Polite/well mannered Responsible Problem solvers Intrinsically motivated Creative thinkers
Understand the value of hard work Know the value of things Have support from home Have opportunities Have opportunities Have and awareness of self, others and the world Have made good friends Feel, and be, successful Live by their own set of values Be able to form healthy relationships
Feel important
Life skills for the modern world & the future Leadership skills To be able to read, write, manage money To speak confidently As much knowledge as they can about everything e.g. other cultures, business skills High academic standards Their dreams
People listened to me I felt important I enjoyed it/it was fun I feel proud I have good memories I had lots of opportunities I was engaged I learnt in innovative ways I was challenged I succeeded I achieved all my goals |