Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Wood

Year 4

Class teacher:

Mrs Suzanne Wood

Teaching assistant:

Mrs Sturrock

Photo of the phase team

Spring term

Our Earth

This term, we are learning about ‘Our Earth’. As geographers, we will be learning to investigate places, patterns and communicate geographically. As scientists, we will be exploring forces, looking at the Earth and space and understanding evolution and inheritance. We will update our blog regularly with examples of the work that we are doing. Please find below a copy of our concept organiser.

Our Class book

This term, we are reading 'The Ghost of Thomas Kempe' as our class text. When James and his family move to an ancient cottage in Oxfordshire, odd things start happening. Doors crash open, and strange signs appear, written in an archaic hand. James finds that the ghost is the spirit of Thomas Kempe.

We are also using Macbeth as a stimulus for our reading and writing.


This term, we are focusing on developing our skills of algebra. We will:

• Use simple formulae.

• Generate and describe linear number sequences.

• Express missing number problems algebraically.

• Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns.

• Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables.

PE days:

Mrs Parkes’s class - Tuesday

Miss Dunn’s class - Tuesday

Mrs Wood’s class - Tuesday

For each session, children will need to come to school in their PE kit, including trainers, dark tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a white t-shirt.

This term, Mrs Wood’s class will be swimming on a Friday. More information regarding this can be found on our phase blog.


We expect that the children in Years 5 and 6 read five times a week. To help your child to develop their reading, please listen to them read their book. We use Accelerated Reader in school and the children select a book within their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). If you want to check a book’s ZPD, please use the AR book finder website:


Files to Download

Year 4: News items

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Year 4: Blog items

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Year 4: Gallery items

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Year 4: Calendar items

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Station Road, Bawtry, Doncaster DN10 6PU

Headteacher | Lisa Powell