Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Scott
Year 3
Class teacher:
Miss Gabby Scott
Teaching assistants:
Mrs Miller and Mrs Hollingworth
Spring term
South Yorkshire
This term, we are learning about ‘South Yorkshire’. As historians we will be learning to investigate and interpret the past, build an overview of world history and communicate historically. As geographers, we will be learning to investigate places, patterns and communicate geographically. We will update our blog regularly with examples of the work that we are doing. Please find below a copy of our concept organiser.
Our Class book
This term, we are reading ‘The Creakers’ as our class text. One day, our heroine Lucy Dungston wakes up to find all the adults in her town have completely disappeared. While most of the other kids run wild, Lucy’s mind gets whirring on what’s really happened, and how she can get them back. Her own father mysteriously vanished a few months before, so she has already had a bit of a head start.The investigations begin under her very own bed, after Lucy hears suspicious and creepy noises and discovers every child’s worst nightmare: monsters under the bed... AKA The Creakers.
We are also using ‘The Street Child’ as a stimulus for our reading and writing.
PE days:
Mrs Pickersgill – Monday
Mrs Ronan - Wednesday
For each session, children will need to come to school in their PE kit, including trainers, dark tracksuit bottoms or shorts and a white t-shirt.
This term, Mrs Wood’s class will be swimming on a Friday. More information regarding this can be found on our phase blog.
We expect that the children in Years 3 and 4 read five times a week. To help your child to develop their reading, please listen to them read their book. We use Accelerated Reader in school and the children select a book within their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). If you want to check a book’s level, please use the AR book finder website:
The children also need to practice their spellings in preparation for their weekly spelling test.
For maths, the children will be set weekly homework on Microsoft Teams. This will either be times tables or an activity linked to the learning that the children have been doing in school. The purpose of this is for children to apply skills that they have been working on. This homework will usually be set on a Friday and the deadline will be the following Friday.
By the end of year 4, the children are expected to know all of their times tables. In June, they will complete a timed test which will assess their times tables knowledge. To help them to prepare for this, please use the following website.
Home school books:
Your child will have a home/school book in their bags. Please use this to record whenever you hear your child read or when they have completed any other homework