Weekly Blog Friday 10th November 2023

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 8:10am


Every week in our Celebration Assembly, we celebrate the class who has achieved the highest attendance for that week. This week, Mrs Wood's class had the highest attendance with 97.01%! Well done Year 4!

Please see below for the attendance figures for this week. The target attendance for all children is currently set at 97%.

Attendance for this week

Nursery - 80.72%

Reception - 91.81%

Year 1 Miss Singh - 94.69%

Year 2 Mrs Davies - 95.49%

Year 3 Miss Scott - 94.95%

Year 4 Mrs Wood - 97.01%

Year 5 Mrs Pickersgill - 93.39%

Year 6 Miss Dunn - 94.19%


Stars of the week

Each week in our Friday Celebration Assembly, we celebrate our stars of the week. Each class teacher chooses 2 children from their class each week who have really impressed them. Please see below for who has been chosen this week, together with the reason for them being chosen. 


Nursery & Reception

Stars of the week this week go to:

Oscar in Nursery for doing good listening and trying his best when working with an adult. He has also done some great tidying!

Darcy in Reception for being a super star singer and setting a good example to the other children.


Year 1

This week our focus has been on Random Acts of Kindness and the Stars of the Week in Year 1 who have shown this throughout are:

Max – Max is always looking out for his classmates and teachers, since starting in September Max has tried his best to make sure he is following class rules and showing kindness when helping his friends. He is always displaying kindness by giving his teachers a goodbye hug at the end of the day. Well done Max!

George – Well done George, this week you have shown ways in being a great role model. In class you have shown kindness by helping your table get their maths resources out and tidying your table away when they have finished. You have helped your friends in provision when building models as well. Keep up the good work!


Year 2

Maddison - for demonstrating kindness all the time through the things she does and says. From saying please and thank you, holding doors, making sure other children have their books and equipment, to seeking out the person who has forgotten to pick up their packed lunch box - she is always looking out for others.

Martha - for quietly and selflessly looking after everyone in the classroom. She tidies up equipment and books to ensure they are ready for the next lesson and picks up coats and bags to make sure they are not being stood on. She does this quietly, quickly and without seeking recognition. She is just being kind because she is a kind and thoughtful person!


Year 3

Elliot - for being a brilliant role model, he is always working hard as well as being kind and respectful. Elliot takes pride in all of his work and is always trying his best. Elliot is a very kind and helpful member of our class and will always volunteer to help his peers with their work. 

Ellie - for showing resilience within lessons she has found challenging this week, her confidence is starting to grow more and more. Ellie is always one of the first to ask if she can help or if there are any jobs to do. She is kind and considerate and always says good morning have a lovely day to everyone she sees.  


Year 4

Amelie - Amelie works hard in every lesson. She sets an excellent example for others by following the school rules and being respectful and kind. Amelie is a good role model for other children in class.

Noah - Noah has been working incredibly hard in class this week. He is showing a real determination to improve in all areas of his learning but particularly with the presentation of his work. Noah follows the school rules and is a polite and well mannered member of the class.


Year 5

Valentina - Valentina is a quiet and thoughtful member of our class. She is invariably kind and caring and sensitive to the feelings of others. She is a good friend to all. She always follows the class rules and is a great class role model. Well done Valentina, keep it up!

Elodie - for making me smile on a daily basis through random acts of kindness. She will always ask how I am and ask how her peers are, she will give a hug or a warm, friendly smile to those who need it, she will support others in their learning and she will tidy up the classroom without being asked to. The list goes on. Well done Elodie. Keep being you!


Year 6

This week in Year 6, we have been thinking about random acts of Kindness, following on from our assembly on Monday with 'With Me in Mind'. I have been looking for those children in Year 6 who show kindness in their actions all the time and this has been the focus for this week's Stars of the Week.

William - William is kind to everyone all the time and as a result of this, he is a valued and respected member of Year 6 with a wide circle of friends. He always treats others the way he would like to be treated and shows tolerance to other people. You can always be relied upon William to be kind at all times and this is such an amazing quality; we appreciate you in Year 6.

Amelia - Amelia is a valued member of Year 6 who acts with kindness all the time. She treats all children and adults with compassion and respect and exemplifies our 3 school rules at all times. She completes random acts of kindness all the time - from helping others with their work, to offering to do jobs and tidying resources away. I appreciate all that you do Amelia - thank you. 


Headteacher Award

Each week in our Celebration Assembly, Mrs Powell chooses someone who has really impressed her during the week and presents them with her Headteacher Award trophy. This week, Gracie-Leigh in Year 5 was awarded the trophy for her random acts of kindness to all staff, but particularly Mrs Miller. Gracie-Leigh always appreciates how hard the staff at Mayflower work to do the very best for our children. You are so kind and caring Gracie-Leigh, it is no wonder you have been chosen to receive this award this week - thank you for being you. 


Parent Governor Vacancy

We currently have a vacancy on our Governing Body for a Parent Governor. A letter and application form came home with the children at the beginning of this week regarding this. 

If you are interested in applying to become part of our Governing Body, the deadline for applications to be received is next Friday, 17th November. All applications should be brought to the school office please.


Parent Survey Autumn 2023

Here at Mayflower, as you are aware we always appreciate the views of our families. We would therefore appreciate it if you could please take a moment of your time to complete our survey about your current views of our school if you haven't yet done so by clicking on the link below.

Parent Survey Autumn 2023

The deadline for responses is next Friday, 17th November.


Remembrance Assembly

Our Remembrance Assembly this morning was led by our Year 5 children. It was a really moving, thought-provoking assembly which looked at the origins of Remembrance Day and why the poppy is used as a symbol. The children were fantastic, delivering information and reading poems - it's a daunting task to stand up in front of the whole school and their families, but they all handled it brilliantly! 

Towards the end of the assembly, the children held up wooden crosses which had been provided by Bawtry Town Council. The children had written on the crosses the names of those soldiers from the local area who had fallen in both World Wars. These were collected by Alan Claypole, Mayor of Bawtry, who attended our assembly this morning and will form part of the Remembrance display outside Bawtry Library this weekend. 





World Kindness Day Assembly Monday 13th November led by Year 4

As advised on our previous weekly blogs and email, next Monday 13th November we will be holding an assembly to celebrate World Kindness Day. The assembly will be led by our Year 4 children, so we would like to invite parents/carers and other family members of our Year 4 children into school to join us for this assembly.

The assembly will start at 10.15am, so if you would like to join us please ensure you arrive by 10.10am at the latest at the school office to sign in.

We hope as many parents/carers of our Year 4 children as possible can make it and we look forward to seeing you then.


Flu Vaccinations

Just a reminder that the School Age Immunisation Team will be coming into school next Thursday 16th November to administer the flu vaccinations for the children in Reception up to and including Year 6.

If you haven't yet completed the Electronic consent form, please click on the link below to read the information about the vaccine and then complete the form. The deadline to complete the consent form to ensure your child can have their vaccination is 14th November.


If your child is absent on 16th November, the team will be returning to school on 30th November to administer any missed vaccinations. You can also access one of the Health Bus sessions displayed on the Flu letter page (which can be accessed once you click the above link).


Individual/Sibling Photos

The individual/sibling photos are now live to view and order.

If you have pre-registered you should now have an email with your unique access link. If not, please contact Carmel Jane Photography via the following link:


Please quote registration code: JRPNA4M

All photographs will be sent straight to home addresses with limited discounts available for the first 14 days.


Upcoming Events

Our wonderful PTA members and helpers have been busy behind the scenes planning some lovely Christmas events for our children for later this half term. Please see the posters below for dates etc. Letters will be sent home (if applicable) a couple of weeks before each event.

We are only able to have events like these thanks to those who help to organise and run these events. If you would like to give some time to help with any of the PTA's upcoming projects, please send Kirsty (PTA Chair) a message on 07787 570844.

Years 3 and 4 Christmas Social.jpg

Years 5 and 6 Christmas Social.jpg

KS1 Film Night.jpg

Christmas Shop 2023.jpg



Kiera in Year 3 was recently presented with a trophy in her street dancing class. Wow Kiera, what a fantastic achievement! You have obviously been working really hard in your dance lessons and your determination to do your very best has paid off. Well done on receiving this trophy. Your smile says it all - you look so proud and rightly so. We are all very proud of you too!



Thank You!

We would like to pass on our thanks to the School Nurse, the 'Your Place' team, Doncaster Council Schools Catering team and our wonderful new chef Mrs Stanfield who attended our parents evenings this week. We hope you found it helpful to have the agencies here to speak to and we are hoping that they will join us again in the future.

We have had some lovely feedback regarding the food that was served at both parents evenings. We already know how delicious it is, but it was so nice for the team to be able to share it with the children's families too. We hope you enjoyed it!






Bliss Little Lights walk

Please see the information below which has been provided by one of our parents about an upcoming sponsored walk. The link to the JustGiving page is provided below the poster should you wish to donate.

little lights walk - school poster-page-0.jpg

Bliss Little Lights JustGiving Page


Thank You from Bassetlaw Food Bank



Free Inclusive Football Sessions

PAN Disability poster.jpg


Lunch Menu for week commencing 13th November 2023

Please see the menu below for next week. There may need to be last minute changes to the menus on occasion, to take into account availability of items or delivery issues.

Menu 2023 Week 3.jpg

Diary Dates

Please see below our current diary dates. It may be that there are dates on here that involve your child that you haven't had any information for yet. Please don't worry, information will come out in plenty of time prior to the date concerned. Dates that have been added since the last blog are shown in bold.


Monday 13th November to Friday 17th November - Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 13th November - World Kindness Day assembly 10.15am led by Year 4 - parents/carers of Year 4 children welcome

Monday 13th November - Y6 maths challenge at Hill House (parents/carers of the children taking part have received a letter)

Thursday 14th November - deadline for Electronic flu vaccination forms to be completed

Wednesday 15th November - Year 3&4 visit to National Coal Mining Museum

Thursday 16th November - flu vaccinations for all children except Nursery children

Thursday 23rd November - Open Day for those with children starting nursery/reception in September 2024 1.30pm

Thursday 30th November - flu vaccination catch up sessions for those children who weren't in on Thursday 16th November

Thursday 30th November - Year 3/4 PTA Social 3pm to 3.45pm

Tuesday 5th December - choir singing at Bawtry Hall for residents annual Christmas lunch

Tuesday 5th December - Key Stage 1 nativity performance 2pm

Wednesday 6th December - Tea and Talk parent drop-in session 8.45am to 9.45am

Wednesday 6th December - Early Years nativity performance 10.30am

Wednesday 6th December - Key Stage 1 nativity performance 2pm

Thursday 7th December - Christmas Jumper Day (non-uniform day)

Thursday 7th December - Year 5/6 PTA Social 3pm to 3.45pm 

Monday 11th December - KS1 Dance Club performance - lower hall 3.40pm

Tuesday 12th December - Foundation Craft morning 9am to 10am 

Wednesday 13th December - Year 1 to Year 6 at CAST Theatre Doncaster AM to see 'Beauty and the Beast'

Wednesday 13th December - Nursery and Reception 'The Littlest Christmas Elf' performance by Big Foot Arts Education

Wednesday 13th December - KS2 Dance Club performance - lower hall 3.40pm

Thursday 14th December - Year 1/2 Christmas Film Night - 3 to 3.45pm with parents/carers

Friday 15th December - Reception and Year 6 height and weight checks with school nurse

Friday 15th December - PTA Christmas Shop during the school day - further details to follow

Friday 15th December - Guitar Christmas Concert 2.15pm

Monday 18th December - PTA Christmas Disco - Year 1/2 3pm to 3.45pm, Years 3 to 6 4pm to 4.45pm - further details to follow

Tuesday 19th December - Rocksteady concert 2pm (for those parents whose children are taking part in the Rocksteady music sessions)

Tuesday 19th December - Carols round the tree straight after school in lower hall

Wednesday 20th December - Christmas Service at St Nicholas Church - leaving school straight after morning registration. Family members welcome to walk to and from church with us.

Wednesday 20th December - Christmas Dinner Day 

Friday 22nd December - Christmas Party Food at lunchtime

Friday 22nd December - last day before Christmas holidays

Monday 25th December to Friday 5th January - Christmas holidays


Monday 8th January - first day back after Christmas Holidays

Monday 15th January - closing date for Reception applications for September 2024

Wednesday 17th January - Tea and Talk parent drop-in session 8.45am to 9.45am

Wednesday 7th February - Tea and Talk parent drop-in session 8.45am to 9.45am

Friday 9th February - last day before half term

Monday 12th February to Friday 16th February - half term

Monday 19th February - first day back after half term

Wednesday 21st February - Young Voices concert at Sheffield Utilita Arena this evening for our choir children

Wednesday 6th March - Tea and Talk parent drop-in session 8.45am to 9.45am

Friday 8th March - PTA Mothers Day Shop during the school day - further details to follow

Wednesday 13th March - Year 6 at STEM event at Queen Elizabeth's High School

Thursday 14th March - Year 3/4 PTA Social 3pm to 4pm - further details to follow

Thursday 21st March - Year 5/6 PTA Social 3pm to 4pm - further details to follow

Tuesday 26th March - Rocksteady concert 2pm (for those parents whose children are taking part in the Rocksteady music sessions)

Wednesday 27th March - English Touring Opera 'The Big Stink'

Thursday 28th March - last day before Easter holidays

Thursday 28th March - PTA Easter Hunt during the school day - further details to follow

Friday 29th March - bank holiday - school closed

Monday 1st April to Friday 12th April - Easter holidays

Monday 22nd April to Wednesday 24th April - Year 5 residential to Caythorpe

Monday 6th May - bank holiday - school closed

Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May - Key Stage 2 SATs tests

Wednesday 15th May - Tea and Talk parent drop-in session 8.45am to 9.45am

Thursday 16th May - Year 4 Hollowford residential parents meeting

Friday 24th May - last day before half term

Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May - half term

Monday 3rd June to Friday 14th June - Year 4 multiplication checks to be completed during this 2 week period

Monday 3rd June - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Tuesday 4th June - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Wednesday 5th June to Thursday 6th June - Year 4 residential to Hollowford

Monday 10th June to Friday 14th June - Phonics screening check Key Stage 1

Wednesday 12th June - Tea and Talk parent drop-in session 8.45am to 9.45am

Thursday 13th June - PTA Fathers Day Shop during the school day - further details to follow 

Thursday 20th June - Sports Day - further details and timings to follow

Thursday 20th June - Summer Fair straight after school - further details to follow

Wednesday 3rd July - Tea and Talk parent drop-in session 8.45am to 9.45am

Thursday 4th July - PTA Summer Disco - Year 1/2 3pm to 3.45pm, Years 3 to 6 4pm to 4.45pm - further details to follow

Tuesday 16th July - Rocksteady concert 2pm (for those parents whose children are taking part in the Rocksteady music sessions)

Thursday 18th July - PTA Colour Run - further details to follow

Friday 19th July - last day before Summer holidays

Monday 22nd July - Training Day - school is closed to pupils

Tuesday 23rd July - Training Day - school is closed to pupils


Station Road, Bawtry, Doncaster DN10 6PU

Headteacher | Lisa Powell